Planning in the Moment
During our on the spot planning process we follow three stages of thought Intent, Implement and Impact.

“Planning in the moment is nothing new. It is exactly what a responsive parent does with their child every day. It is exactly what skilful practitioners have always done. Every time an adult looks at, and listens to a child, they are assessing and “planning” how to respond. These assessments and plans are based on the adult’s observations of the child in that moment and draw on any previous knowledge of the child. The response is “planned” in the moment and is uniquely suited to that unique child in that unique moment. The adult will be considering (either consciously or instinctively) whether they can add anything in that moment to benefit the child. If so, they will respond and interact accordingly, supporting the child to develop.”
(Anna Ephgrave-Planning in the Moment with Young Children 2018)

The Intent, Implementation and Impact of our Curriculum
•Our intent is for our children to become enthusiastic learners, to understand that their needs and the needs of others are important. To be confident to communicate freely and develop their independence. For the children to be prepared for the transition into Primary School.
•We strive to implement this by providing a positive learning environment full of open-ended opportunities to play. Giving them freedom to explore and adapt their play. We listen and encourage their imagination, asking lots of open-ended questions; not just to extend their play but to extend their vocabulary. We allow them to take risks and constantly support their trial-and-error methods. We ensure we have a balance between child led and Practitioner led activities. Children not only learn by playing independently, but by modelling others and their behaviours. We understand that every interaction can be a learning opportunity. We make sure each child understands their emotions and know that it is normal to feel that way. We provide lots of tactile/sensory play and ensure we include opportunities for children to develop their skills in all seven areas of learning.
•The impact is that our children know that they are valued, and their voice is heard. That they feel empowered to take risks and challenge themselves. It provides them with the skills they need to become a productive member of society. It can enrich all their future experiences, and social interactions. It builds their resilience in life and teaches them to be patient and kind. It ensures that they are active learners and are motivated for self-progression.

What we want our children to learn….

*Our learning goals are guided by the EYFS and the Development Matters Document.
Our curriculum is based on the statutory framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (Known as the EYFS).
We use the ‘Development Matters’ guidance alongside the EYFS to support our practice.
The framework is based on 7 areas of learning:
•Communication and Language
•Physical Development
•Personal, Social and Emotional Development
• Literacy Development
•Understanding the World
•Expressive Arts and Design

Our curriculum recognises and embraces the following key Principles:
Every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.
Children learn and develop well in enabling environments with teaching and support from adults, who respond to their individual interests and needs and help them to build their learning over time.
Children benefit from a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers.
Importance of learning and development.
Children develop and learn at different rates.
The framework covers the education and care of all children in early years provision, including children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
(DFE, Statutory Framework the Early Years Foundation Stage 2021)

Communication is paramount in maintaining a good relationship with our children and their parents/carers.
We use ‘Tapestry’ (Online Learning Journey) to share what the children get up to at Pre-School. As well as having a Facebook page, Instagram page and website.
We also have an open-door policy and ensure our parents/carers know we are there to support them. We believe a child benefits from these strong connections between their family and the setting, as it builds a structure of trust and consistency.
Parent/carer meetings can also take place to discuss a child’s progress and ensure we are providing that consistency both at home and within the setting.
We pride ourselves in KNOWING the children within our care. By building a strong relationship we build the foundations of their learning. A child’s basic needs must be met for them to expand their knowledge and understanding. To support this, we have a ‘Key Person’ system. Each child will be given a key person once they have settled into the setting and developed a relationship with practitioners. Their key person will ensure all the child’s needs are met and that they are supported in their learning.
When a child first starts at our setting, we fill out an ‘All About Me’ together with the parent/carer. This helps us gauge where a child is developmentally and to gain an understanding of their likes and dislikes.
If a practitioner feels it is needed a ‘baseline assessment’ will be completed to pinpoint any areas of concerns.
Using our online learning journey system (famly) we will complete a child’s 2-year-old check, this must be completed by the time a child is 3.
Any concerns are to be flagged on Tapestry, regular discussions take place between practitioners to ensure all children are progressing and a termly assessment will take place.
Before a child starts school a ‘Starting Reception’ assessment will be completed so that we can ensure that all information can be passed onto their new teacher.
Communication Assessment

Pedagogy-Learning through play
Our pedagogy has been developed based on a mixture of theorists and Early Years approaches, including Reggio Emilia Approach, Maria Montessori, The Curiosity Approach and Hygge in the Early Years.
We believe children learn when they have the freedom to explore their environment and create their own play.
Having this freedom allows them to build on their resilience, problem-solving and social skills.
By providing an inspiring environment we aim to motivate and challenge children within their play.
By finding the balance between child led and practitioner led play we can create a fascinating and nurturing space with endless learning opportunities.
The early years of a child’s life is the foundation of not only their education but all areas of their development and life skills.
Every child has the right to play and be heard, the child’s voice is the most important aspect to how we as a setting plan and provide for all the children within our care. As a setting we celebrate cultural diversity as part of our daily curriculum, exploring a variety of celebrations and ways of life from across the globe.
We understand that every child is unique and are not comparable to others.
We follow a ‘PLANNING IN THE MOMENT’ approach, in that we base our planning on the children’s interests and respond by implementing resources and extending play based on their choices

Wanderlust Nature Study-Termly Plan
A study that follows the seasons and embraces nature and the world around us.
From'Hygge in the Early Years'

Communication is paramount in maintaining a good relationship with our children and their parents/carers.
We use ‘Tapestry’ (Online Learning Journey) to share what the children get up to at Pre-School. As well as having a Facebook page, Instagram page and website.
We also have an open-door policy and ensure our parents/carers know we are there to support them. We believe a child benefits from these strong connections between their family and the setting, as it builds a structure of trust and consistency.
Parent/carer meetings can also take place to discuss a child’s progress and ensure we are providing that consistency both at home and within the setting.